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PowerMonitor 5000 Base Quality Meter

Produktnummer: 1426-M5E

inkl. mva.

Bulletin 1426 PowerMonitor 5000 M5 , Base Power Quality Meter

Power Monitor 5000, Basic Module

Egenskaper for produkt/familie

  • Offers configurable alarms for up to 20 events
  • Includes 4 digital inputs for WAGES data collection
  • Includes native EtherNet/IP™ port
  • Provides virtual wiring correction capability
  • Includes 4 outputs for connection to SCADA or control systems
  • Monitors 4 voltage and 4 current channels for every electrical cycle — 1024 data points across 8 channels every 12-17 milliseconds
  • Provides a second communication port
  • Calculates over 6,000 parameters every cycle
Type Base Quality Power Meter M5
Class Base Quality Power Meter M5
Opprinnelsesland >1
Tolltariffnummer 90283019
Lengde 27.05
Høyde 17.15
Livssyklus Active